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A Millionaires Price for Love Page 11

  Violet looked at him nodded her head and said. “Two.”

  Sam smiled. “Two it is Violet,” and he kissed her head. “Now we need to get you out for a while okay?” he looked at her.

  “But Sam…” she started.

  “I will make the call right now,” and he kissed her again.

  Violet smiled. “Thank you Sam.”

  “Anything for you my Violet now go get ready we will have a wonderful evening.” Sam stood and helped Violet to her feet he watched her as she disappeared. And he made the call. Sam was hoping Violet would feel better and do more. But he had no idea the real reasons Violet was afraid and she would never tell him.

  Violet looked like she felt a little better and Sam was happy but when they got to the restaurant she got nervous again.

  “Sam, everyone is staring,” she whispered as she tried to smile.

  Sam seated her. “That’s because your glowing Violet and you’re so beautiful.” he kissed her cheek. “And you have to remember the last time anyone saw you,” he sat down across from her. The two body guards were standing close.

  “Sam, that man over there keeps staring at me.”

  Sam looked he sort of chuckled. “It’s just when you look up Violet, you see him that’s all.”

  “No Sam he is. You watch and tell me if he is or isn’t.”

  Sam started getting annoyed with Violet but to please her he watched. And sure enough the man was watching Violet, and this made Sam uncomfortable. Sam didn’t want to upset Violet so he excused himself for a few minutes. He got out of site and made a couple calls.

  When he got back Violet looked worried Sam smiled. “Everything is fine Violet,” and he kissed her hand. A few minutes later it was Violet who had to excuse herself after all she was pregnant and had to use the ladies room a lot. She got up and left the guards followed. The one guard checked out the ladies room before Violet went inside. While she was gone Sam went up to the doorway and nodded a couple people walked in. He walked up to the man and the men with Sam escorted him to a more private area.

  “Why do you keep staring at my wife?” Sam questioned in a stern voice.

  The man got a little nervous and pulled out his badge he was a reporter and trying to get a story on them. No one has seen Violet and he has been watching the house for months. Getting a story about the billionaire and his pregnant wife would bring him all kinds of fame. Sam was furious Violet was right all this time. Someone was after their child and it was the media.

  “Get him out of here!” Sam growled.

  “You can’t do this I have rights,” the reporter shouted as they escorted him out.

  Sam quickly went back and sat down to wait for Violet.

  When Violet got back she noticed the man was gone she looked at Sam. “Where is he Sam?”

  Sam looked real quick. “I don’t know must have left,” he smiled. Sam didn’t know if he should tell Violet or not. He didn’t want anything else to spoil their evening.

  Sam decided to start paying more attention to his surroundings.

  When they arrived home he saw that man again waiting for them to arrive. But Violet she was a chatter box she did have a wonderful time and didn’t seem to notice. Sam decided to beef up security but he wanted to do it on a low level so it wouldn’t panic Violet. She was at that stage of her pregnancy where she could go into labor at any time. Sam wanted to discuss things with her now. Where she wanted to have the baby these thoughts never entered his mind before. But since tonight he was very concerned and wanted to know.

  Chapter 10

  Violet was very strong and fit. She swam right up until she couldn’t get out of the pool any more. She carried herself well and she gained mostly baby weight she looked magnificent. Sam got home from work and Violet heard his voice. She heard him ask where she was. He always asks it, it was the first thing he said when he walked through those doors.

  “Up here Sam.” Violet called she had a smiled on her face. “Come and look at the nursery it’s finished.” she said.

  Sam stood at the bottom of the steps and gazed at her she was such a sight. He started up the steps. “Violet are you okay?” he started taking the steps two by two.

  “I think I am in labor Sam,” and she went to grab the railing.

  Everything happened so fast next thing you know Violet started to tumble. Sam caught her midway down the steps. “Call an ambulance!” Sam shouted. They planned on having the baby at home. They already had a mid-wife there but they didn’t plan on Violets fall. Now she needed more than a mid-wife and so did the baby. They took Violet to the bedroom and lay her down. The mid-wife was there doing what she could. Everyone one in the household was in panic. Violet started to come to and she was in a lot of pain.

  “Sam!” she cried between her breaths

  “You will be okay Violet. Everything will be okay.” He tried to calm her.

  “No, no I knew there would be a price!” and she screamed.

  Sam started to choke “There will be no price Violet, everything will be fine,” he held her and kissed her. Why did he ever say those words why did he think everything had a price? He was paying the biggest price the billionaire’s price. The thought of losing his wife or child he could barely contain himself.

  “Where is that ambulance!?” Sam shouted.

  “Sam!” Violet screamed again, “please I am scared Sam!”

  Sam was terrified himself the mid-wife looked at him and Sam knew something was definitely wrong. Violet was breathing so hard and she was in so much pain she lost consciousness.

  “Violet! Violet!” Sam shouted but Violet never responded.

  Violet awoke in the hospital she laid there for a second. She ran her hand down her stomach then jumped. “Sam!” she cried and started to panic.

  Sam was at her side in a second. “Shhh Violet shhh you need to rest,” he looked at her with loving eyes.

  “The baby Sam,” her eyes filled with tears.

  Sam smiled, “he is fine Violet,” and kissed her head.

  “He?” she questioned.

  “Yes, we had a boy Violet and he is healthy and fine,” he smiled.

  Violets breathing started to slow she took a deep breath. “A boy,” and she smiled.

  “Yes Violet a boy. Now get some rest.”

  Violet went to move but she couldn’t she looked down and her leg was in a cast.

  “Sam my leg,” she looked at him.

  Sam looked down then looked back at her. “You broke it when you fell Violet.”

  Then Violet started to tear. “Sam I don’t know how I fell.” she put her hands to her face and started crying harder.

  Sam pulled her close and held her. “Look at me Violet.”

  Violet looked at him. “I was standing right there in front of you looking at you. A few steps down and I don’t know how you fell.” Sam said softly.

  “I want to see him,” Violet looked at Sam.

  “You should rest Violet.”

  Violet started getting worried. “Is there something wrong? Why won’t you let me see him?”

  Sam smiled. “Okay, okay Violet. I will have them bring him in.”

  A few minutes later they brought in the baby. Violet looked at him and she was full of tears. “Sam he looks just like you,” she sniffled. “So much hair and dark like his daddy’s.” Violet was glowing and Sam was choking as he watched Violet hold their son. The thoughts of any harm coming to them were unbearable. She looked up at Sam and said “5”.

  Sam took a deep breath went over to Violet and said. “As many as you want Violet as many as you want,” and kissed her.

  Violet looked at Sam smiled. “Serious Sam, we will need a bigger pool.”

  Sam laughed. “Then why stop at five?”

  Violets jaw dropped and the baby started to fuss. The nurse came in. “Were you going to breast feed Violet?” she questioned.

  Violet and Sam looked at each other and smiled. “Yes I planned on it.”

  The nurse
smiled. “Well then since you’re awake and your son is hungry now is a good time to start. Are you going to stay or leave Sam?” the nurse looked at him.

  Sam stood there he never thought about it “You can leave Sam if your uncomfortable” Violet said.

  This was his son and his wife why should he feel uncomfortable? “I will stay,” then he whispered something in Violets ear. She blushed and nudged him. He set down and watched Violet. He was playing the whole thing over and over in his mind about Violet falling. It was like she was pushed. But no one was there around them at the time. He sat and watched and smiled. Violet was glowing and she looked so happy. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Violet and the baby could finally come home and everyone was happy. Sam still saw that man outside his home waiting for a story. He was getting angry but he wasn’t on his property and wasn’t causing any problems so there was nothing really he could do.

  Sam carried Violet up the steps their bedroom they had a bassinet in their room close to the bed. Violet had a wheelchair she used to get around in. She was so upset this wasn’t how she wanted things to be.

  Sam went and stood where Violet was standing when she fell. He went to grab the railing like she did when he did he got a glare. And almost missed the railing and fell. He knew now how Violet fell. She probably didn’t notice the glare because she had a contraction and was surprised by it. Sam looked for where the glare was coming from. It was from the camera the guy was using sitting across the street. He was using it to focus trying to take snapshots. Sam instantly became furious and started running down the stairs.

  “Sir where are you going? Sam!” the maid shouted. This got Violets attention and she heard the door slam. She got herself to the bedroom window as fast as she could. She looked out it and she saw Sam he was running down the drive. Then she lost sight of him. She quickly made it to the steps and started calling for the maid or anyone who would listen.

  She looked up and saw Sam from the window he reached into a car. He pulled the man out and was beating him. Soon the guards where pulling him off. Violet saw the man lying on the ground not moving and Sam was still trying to get to him. Before she realized it the maid grabbed her wheel chair and wheeled her away from the window.

  “Why, why did he do that?” Violet was in shock at what she saw. Not long the police showed up and arrested Sam. Sam contacted his lawyers and was released within a couple of hours. He had to go to the hospital and get his hands checked. He broke a few knuckles but other than that he was fine. Now he had to go home and tell Violet why he was arrested.

  Violet still had not a clue what and why Sam did what he done. All she was told was he was protecting her and their child. But what Violet saw terrified her.

  “Where is Violet?” Sam asked.

  “Upstairs,” said the maid then stopped him. “Sam she saw what happened from the window,” and the maid pointed.

  Sam dropped his head then looked at the maid. “She fell because of that man. He could have killed her, our son or both.” Sam’s voice quivered.

  “She doesn’t know Sam. She doesn’t know that man has been watching. All she knows is what she saw. She will be scared of you Sam. Be gentle and understanding. Remember you hurt her once and she is afraid and now she has a child. She will protect that child Sam.” She just gave him a cautious look.

  “Understood,” and he continued up the steps. Sam got to their door and knocked on it.

  “Violet,” he called softly and opened the door.

  Violet was sitting in her chair feeding the baby. She didn’t know Sam was back.

  She looked at him wide eyed and scared. Tears started to build she glanced at his hands.

  “Stay back!” she took a deep breath.

  Sam saw how scared she was of him and it was heartbreaking. He had to stay calm he had to reassure her everything would be okay. He had to explain why he did what he did.

  “Listen to me Violet.” He said in a soft voice.

  “Did you kill him Sam?” she gasps for air as she held back from crying.

  Sam closed his eyes and dropped his head. “No Violet, I didn’t” he replied. He opened his eyes and looked at her. He slowly started walking up to her.

  “Don’t come any closer Sam. I will scream,” she threatened.

  Sam was choking he got to the edge of the bed and sat. “Listen I know you saw what happened Violet, but you don’t know why” he said calmly.

  “Why Sam? Why would you almost beat a man half to death?” she started to cry.

  “Remember that man who kept staring at you that night we went out?” he asked her

  “Yes Sam I do” she replied.

  “Well, that was him Violet. You were right all this time. When you got back he was gone. That’s because I made him leave. He was some sort of a reporter and wanted a story.” He looked at Violet.

  “So someone was after us?” she looked at their child.

  “In a sense Violet yes. When we got home that night he was parked across the street. He has been there ever since. I didn’t want to take any chances Violet. So I hired more security.” He just looked at her.

  “I haven’t noticed Sam,” she just looked at him.

  He smiled. “More house help, the mid-wife,” he glanced at her.

  “Ah I see,” she just stared off.

  “Violet?” Sam knew she was hiding something.

  “I saw that man Sam. He has been there for a long time. I just never got a good look at him until that night. I thought you had him watching me. To make sure I wasn’t doing things behind your back trying to use your child against you somehow. I know how you think Sam. So I thought if I stayed home your doubts would go away. I thought if I had guards around me you would feel better. So if you offered them to me it would make you feel better thinking I felt safer. But now after seeing what I saw I just don’t know any more Sam,” she looked out the window.

  Then Sam started to think he looked at Violet. “You wasn’t scared to leave the house or go out all this time were you Violet?” he questioned.

  Violet just sat there she looked away.

  “Violet, answer me?” Sam started getting upset he had to calm down.

  “No Sam I wasn’t,” she looked at him.

  Sam just sat there staring at Violet. “You feared me all this time” he just stared at her.

  Violet looked at him. “Yes Sam, I wanted you to feel you could trust me. That’s why I stayed in the shadows all the time.”

  Sam’s heart was aching at the thought of how untrusting he made Violet feel.

  “Violet, I don’t know what to say.” He just sat there.

  “Tell me why you beat that man Sam? If it wasn’t you having him watch me?” she turned back and looked at him.

  “That day you fell I kept playing it over and over in my mind. It looked as if you were pushed, but I know you weren’t,” he stopped and looked her in the eyes. “Think back Violet do you remember anything at all.”

  Violet saw the look on his face she started to feel calmer. “Okay Sam let me think. I was standing there I was excited to show you the nursery. You started up the steps. I got a pain I went to reach for the railing but somehow I missed it.”

  “Yes Violet, you did miss it.” Sam said in a soft voice.

  Violet started to tear. “No, no I didn’t do it on purpose Sam, I didn’t please don’t think I did,” and she started to cry.

  Sam was shocked at what Violet said he rushed to her “No Violet know. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.” He kissed her trying to calm her.

  After she calmed down Sam asked her. “Why would you think I thought you would do something like that on purpose?”

  Violet sniffled. “Because Sam, I feel you don’t trust me in anyway. And you think I will always want to take something from you even if it was your child.”

  Sam’s heart tore wide open. He turned and went and sat back on the bed unbelieving his Violets words. His mind couldn’t think as he looked at Violet. How
can he make this right? How can he prove to her he trust her and has faith in her? He done the damage now he has to do everything he can do to undo it.

  Sam took a deep breath. “I stayed with you Violet, the whole time at the hospital. When we got back I wanted to know why you fell. I went to where you were standing and I went to reach for the railing and…” Sam didn’t get it out.

  “I was blinded by something,” Violet looked at him.

  “Yes Violet, so was I. I almost fell, just like you did. I looked for what caused it. It was that man sitting across the street trying to take snapshots. The camera blinded me. He made you miss the railing he made you fall. I was furious that he could have killed you, our child or both. I went crazy Violet.” Sam started to choke his voice angry.

  Violet could see in his face the anger he had, at the thought of any harm coming to them.

  “The next thing I remember is being pulled off him Violet.” Sam had his head hung. Violet wheeled around put their son down and went up next to him. She didn’t know what to think but seeing him that way the way he looked and sounded. She put her hands on his. “Do they hurt?” she questioned.

  Sam tried to smile. “Not too bad” and he looked up at her. “I am sorry Violet sorry for everything.”

  “No need to be sorry Sam I understand.” She put her hand on his face. “I love you so much Sam. I just wish you could learn to trust me and have no doubts about me. And it’s so hard for me to believe it when you say you do now.” She said softly.

  Sam took a deep breath. “I know Violet, I do trust you but I don’t know what to do anymore to prove the doubts are gone and the trust is there.” He looked at her.

  “I am sure maybe in time I can believe that. But for now it’s hard,” she kissed his hand.

  “I understand Violet.” Sam replied.


  “Yes Violet.”

  “How long before your hands heal?”