A Millionaires Price for Love Page 8
“Shhh…You’re okay now.” He smiled.
Violet looked at him he looked so tired. But the warm smile on his face filled her with a sense of security she needed. “I remember Sam.” Tears filled her eyes.
He brushed the hair away from her face. “Are you ready to get up?”
“Yes Sam, I am.”
“You want me to get the maid to help you?”
She nodded her head. “Please.” Sam gave her another kiss and went to get the maid.
The maid came in and saw Violet. “You gave us quite a scare last night. How are you doing this morning?”
“I am sorry about last night.” She looked at the floor. “I am still a little shaken, but I will be okay.”
“Are you ready to bathe?”
Violet shivered at the thought. “Yes,” she quietly said. An hour later the maid came to the study, she was looking for Sam.
“How she doing?” Sam asked.
“She is still shaken. She feels a little embarrassed.”
“Embarrassed, why?’ The maid just gave him a glance, like he should ask such a question.
“Oh…” Sam said when he realized it. “Is she coming down?”
“Yes, I told her breakfast would be ready when she came down.”
“Good I will join her.” Sam got up and went to the dining room and waited.
When Violet entered the room, she looked scared. She didn’t know what to think or what Sam was going to think. Sam stood, smiled at her and pulled out her chair. Violet felt a little more relaxed and she went to take her seat.
“I hope you’re hungry.” Sam said trying to make easy conversation.
“Yes I am.” She replied softly. “I hope I didn’t keep you up to late, I know you have lots of work today.”
Sam looked at her. “I took the day off.”
Violet gasps. “Why Sam? I am okay. It was just a nightmare.”
Sam looked at her seriously, “It was more than a nightmare. I want to make sure you are okay. Besides, I am the boss and I want to be with you.”
Violet felt a little flushed and guilty “Sam…”
“No more discussions, you’re stuck with me today.” He smiled. But Violet saw fear. That night she had another nightmare but it wasn’t as intense. She woke up in a sweat breathing hard. She realized where she was. She didn’t want to be alone. She got up and went into Sam’s room. “Sam are you awake?” she whispered. Sam was sleeping but he felt her get into his bed. “I am scared Sam.” Violet said softly.
Sam rolled over and looked her in the eyes. “I will keep you safe Violet,” he smiled. He saw tears building. He kissed her head and pulled her close. He held her throughout the night. It felt good to have her back in his arms back in his bed. But he knew there was a lot of healing to do.
Time was going by but Violet still wouldn’t go swimming or sit by the pool. She was afraid to be by the water. She was even afraid to take a shower for the longest time. The maid had to help her and she would cry and whimper. Sam had to hide the gift she got him, of the sailboat, because every time she saw it she would panic. But she did seem to be getting better in other ways. She was talking and smiling more. She started to feel comfortable again, safe.
When Violet awoke one morning she felt calmness in Sam’s arms, safety. She didn’t want to get up she wanted to stay that way forever. When Sam opened his eyes and looked at her he saw it. He saw the calmness. He smiled kissed her head and went to get up she grabbed him. “Hold me for a while longer Sam.” Violet said softly.
“Anything for you Violet,” he replied and held her close. They just lay there in each other’s arms not saying a word.
Chapter 7
More and more Violet came to his bed but she just wanted held. Sam could understand but it was getting tougher and tougher for him. He felt the need and he was fighting himself, should he go elsewhere? Should he stay true? Were there still no strings between him and Violet? Then he remembered the passion they shared and he longed to have it again and it made things even worse. He would roll over half sleepy and say, “I am here,” and put his arms around her and fall back to sleep. One night she slipped in he rolled over. “I am here,” he said put his arms around her and fell back to sleep. But this time Violet felt his desire for her. He has been controlling so well. But for some reason tonight he couldn’t and he was asleep. Violet wondered how many times and thought about how tough it must be on him. He never took advantage or tries to advance at her. But every time she tried to prove her love to him, something terrible happened. So she made her mind up she was going to do something else. She reached down and started to stroke him and he awoke and looked at her. She gazed at him and gave him a slight smile and kissed him. It didn’t take him long to start loving her. But as he did something wasn’t right. Something was missing he could feel it. It was as if he is loving someone else. But he knew it was Violet. She was still passionate and giving but it just wasn’t the same.
In the morning Sam just lay there looking at her wondering why. When she awoke she smiled. “Do you feel better?” she asked.
“Feel better?”
“Yes, since you have been taken care of me. It’s about time I have taken care of you.” Violet said to him
Sam was a little taken back by her words. He didn’t know what to think at first, so he had to ask. “What do you mean Violet?”
Violet rolled over and looked at him. “I have tried to prove and show you I love you Sam, but every time I do something horrible has happened. I am afraid to try again. I know I can never repay you for taking care of me now Sam. And I know you have needs. I know you feel guilt, that’s why I am here. I have decided to be your high priced hooker until you tire of me.”
Sam gasped sat straight up. “Don’t ever say that Violet, ever!” he snapped. Now Sam knew what was different, she had no love, no feelings. She felt as if she was repaying a debt.
“Don’t pretend Sam, we both know that it’s true I am nothing more now than a high…” Violet started.
“Stop it Violet! I don’t ever want to hear those words again!” he snapped again.
“Sam…” Violet started again.
“I would have rather not loved you at all because of what I felt last night Violet. If I could take it back I would. I would have never done it if for one minute. If I knew that was going through your mind,” he glared at her.
“But that’s what you wanted at first. I just gave you what you always wanted Sam.” She looked at him.
Sam was so upset at Violet his heart was racing he had to calm down. He got up and started to pace a little. Then he looked at her sitting in the middle of the bed trying to figure out why.
“Sam please settle down I know you upset with me but…” she started but Sam cut her off.
“Upset?! Upset?! You don’t know how upset Violet. You’re going to give me a heart attack. Is that what your plan is Violet?” he stopped and looked at her.
Violet’s eyes instantly filled with tears. “I am sorry Violet so sorry,” he rushed to her and put his arms around her.
“I have no plan to hurt you Sam. I only wanted to love you, but it always backfires.” Violet cried.
“Maybe your right Violet, maybe your right.” Sam said and kissed her head.
Violet wiped her tears. “Right about what Sam,” she got out between her breaths.
“About me and not trusting Violet.”
Violet looked at Sam. She realized he had more heartache then he led her to believe, so she decided to ask him.
“Sam, tell me about it. Tell me how it happened to you.” She sniffed.
“How what happened Violet?”
“Your heartache what caused you to be like this?” she said with tear filled eyes.
Sam looked at her. “I told you Violet, and besides it was long ago.”
Violet looked at him “I think there is more than what you told me Sam.”
“Violet, please I don’t want to get into t
his,” he said sharply.
“But Sam, I am paying for that till this day.” She cried.
Sam realized she was right. He didn’t want to dig up his past but Violet has the right to know. So he sat back on the bed with his back against the head board. Violet sat next to him and he started to tell her.
“Well I did tell you some Violet, but not all. Some were lies though as well. I wanted you to fall for me. Feel sorry for me. I wanted you to think I was sensitive. But I wasn’t,” he looked down at her.
“So what you told me most were lies just to get me to fall for you?” she questioned.
“Yes Violet, they were. But I did have a bad heartache Violet.” Sam replied hoping she wouldn’t get to upset with him.
Violet cleared her throat. “Okay Sam I am listening and no lies this time.”
“No lies Violet.” He replied and kissed her head then continued. “I was at my first big event. Everyone there was trying to get to know me. The new billionaire, the man made of money. Women all around but this one woman took a certain interest. I didn’t notice her at first. She kind of stayed hidden away from the crowds. She got my name and done her homework on me.” He looked at Violet.
“She had an agenda?” Violet questioned.
“More then you know. The next event I went to she made herself seen. And when I saw her my heart almost stopped.” Sam got quiet as he stared.
“Are you going to be okay Sam?”
He took a deep breath. “Yes. I was naïve you could say. We flirted for a while I asked her out. I expected just like I did with the others, but she refused me.” He looked at Violet
“So I wasn’t the first then.” Violet looked at him
Sam smiled at her. “Not the first Violet but the toughest. And it took me the longest to get to you,” and he kissed her head.
“Ah I see. You played with me,” she softly said.
“Yes Violet I did. Any way we got a relationship going. I thought a good one. She said she loved me. I thought she really did. She didn’t seem to abuse my clout or my money. I felt as if I could trust her with everything. And I did I asked her to marry me.” Sam got quiet again.
“You were married Sam and didn’t tell me? What happened Sam?”
“Everyone told me to get a prenuptial. I told them I didn’t need one not with her. She wasn’t like the others. She wouldn’t betray me she loved me and not what I had. So we got married and a year later she took me for almost everything I had.” Sam was holding Violets hands just looking at them.
“You were married Sam and you didn’t tell me?” Violet repeated and looked at him in shock
“It was long ago Violet,” he replied still looking at her hands.
“So where is she now?”
“Somewhere in Paris I think. She remarried and when she did I didn’t have to pay alimony anymore. It took me years to build up my fortune again. I swore it would never happen again Violet. Then I met you I was torn between trusts or not to trust. Hurt or not to hurt love or not to love. I still have a hard time Violet. I am sorry that I can’t get over it.” Sam wouldn’t look at her.
Violet finally understood Sam now. “Sam if things between us ever work out. You know I would sign anything you wanted right?”
“Yes Violet I know.”
“I also would cut the shirt tails as well.”
Sam sort of chuckled. “Yes Violet I know.”
“But it seems like every time I trust in you and show my love to you. You have a way of hurting me,” she said in a soft voice.
“Violet, I only kept woman around for a short time so they couldn’t get palimony from me. But time went by so fast with you I didn’t realize it. I heard you on the phone. You were talking about something you were going to give to me and I wouldn’t know what hit me. That’s what I thought it was. Come to find out it was the watch you were talking about the trust again Violet. Then the guilt I had what I put you through what I went through. Then we got back together and I thought everything would be fine” Sam stopped and started to choke.
“But you had doubts again Sam?” Violet asked.
“Yes Violet I did, when you asked me to go sailing I thought you were going to try and do something to me,” he hung his head.
“Why Sam?” she asked.
“I don’t know Violet. Then when I came home early from work one day I asked where you were. The maid said shopping. I looked out the window and saw you come up. You had no bags in your hand but she did. She gave them to you. That night I went through your room. She caught me and told me you were working trying to make some extra cash to buy me a birthday present.” He stopped and looked at Violet. She had tears in her eyes
“You doubted me again Sam,” she started to cry.
“Yes and when I found out. I felt so guilty not only that, but I missed your birthday. When you came down to the study I was feeling so guilty and ashamed. I didn’t want to look at you.” Sam started to choke.
Violet pulled him close and hugged him. “You were so upset with me that night Sam.”
“Not upset Violet, ashamed. I knew it was no use talking to you that night. Then you missed breakfast. When I got home they told me you went to the boat. I was furious you went out on your own. Then I saw the gift on my bed. I felt more ashamed and guilt again. When we spotted the boat I was going to really give you a lecture. Violet I thought I lost you forever. I went crazy out of my mind. Every single body they pulled out of the water I went and saw.” Sam stopped he started really choking. Violet never saw him like this. She pulled him close and held him. After a few minutes Sam composed himself.
“And what about now Sam, do you love me? Can you trust me?”
“I love you Violet with all my heart. But trust I don’t know Violet I have tried. I know deep with in all you want is to love me. But I am…” he stopped
“Scared Sam?”
“Yes Violet”
“Well Sam I am scared to. Because every time I show my love to you and…” she started
“I know Violet I start not trusting you.” He looked at her.
They sat there and looked at each other. “But I do love you Sam.”
“And I love you Violet.”
They gazed at each other Sam leaned in and kissed her. Violet returned his kiss but this time he felt the love. He pulled back and looked at her and she smiled.
Sam leaned in and kissed her again. He lay her down on the bed caressing her.
“Oh Sam.” Violet said breathless.
Soon both of them were filled with burning desire for each other. And this was his Violet and this was what Sam wanted. And Violet showed him just how much she really did love him.
Violet was coming around and everyone was happy. No one was happier then Sam.
He knew she was getting better when she asked him to help her get used to the pool again. She didn’t want to be afraid of the water anymore. Little by little they would spend more and more time at the pool. Soon she was jumping in and going on her own. Everyone was pleased to see this. Sam did ask her if she wanted to go sailing a couple of times but she still wasn’t ready for that. Sam done a lot of soul searching and he did love Violet very much. But he also had to protect his fortune. He knew deep in his heart she wouldn’t betray him. He knew that she loved him for him and not his money. But you never knew what the future held.
It was time for Violets birthday again and this year Sam wasn’t about to forget. He knew when it was now. He had everything planned right down to the last detail. He was going to make Violet think he forgot and he knew she wouldn’t say anything to him. He knew Violet wouldn’t suspect anything. They did go out to dinner often and a movie so everything would fit prefect. Everyone knew of Sam’s plan. It was hard keeping it from Violet because she walked around all day thinking he forgot. But when he got home from work she acted all cheering as if nothing was wrong. At first she didn’t want to go out and Sam thought his plans might be ruined, but he finally talked her into it. They went out to a nice
dinner then went to a theater. They took their seats and the movie started.
It started out with a mother in the kitchen making cookies with her two young children. Then oldest child asked, “Mommy how did daddy ask you to Marry him?”
The mother smiled at her children and she thought about it. She got a big smile on her face as the memories came back.
“Sam that man looks like you.” Violet nudged Sam as she pointed at the screen.
“So he does,” Sam smiled.
All you could see was the back of the women. The man got down on one knee took a ring out of his pocket. And together Sam said the same thing the man on the screen did. The man on the screen was looking right into the audience.
“Violet, will you marry me,” and held out the ring. Violet just sat there. She looked at Sam then looked at the man on the screen. “That is you!” she said surprisingly, she was shocked.
Then together again Sam said with himself on the screen. “Well Violet?”
The women on the screen reached out her hand and so did Violet.
“Yes Sam, yes I will marry you.” She had such a huge smile on her face
And together they slid on the rings. The lights went on everyone turned around and started to applause. Violet saw a lot of people she knew including Todd.
They looked back up at the screen and Sam picked up the woman and carried her off into the house. Violet and the woman on the screen said together. “Oh Sam…”
Violet just looked at him and said. “How did you know I was going to say that?”
Sam just smiled. “I know you Violet,” and he kissed her and whispered. “Happy birthday Violet.”
Violet’s eyes got big. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately.
When they got home the staff couldn’t wait. They were so hoping Violet would say yes. When they pulled up the staff could hear giggling and laughing they knew right then she did. When they opened the door and Violet stepped in she looked at them. “All of you knew?”
They shook their heads she ran up to them and hugged them. Sam was so happy he couldn’t stop smiling. Sam wisps her upstairs he had Champaign, flowers and other special gifts for Violet.