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A Millionaires Price for Love Page 9

  After the shock wore off and things settled down a little. Violet knew Sam had to do something he didn’t want to. She knew he was putting it off. So she thought she would make things easier for him. So one night as they were getting ready for bed she mentioned it.

  “Sam I think it’s time.”

  “Time for what?”

  “You know Sam, the prenuptial.”

  Sam kind of froze “Violet…” he started.

  Violet went up to him put her arms around him. “Sam, I understand I am not hurt. I know you love me. I know you trust me. It’s just something that should be done. I have a pair of scissors as well,” and she laughed.

  Sam turned around and looked at her. “You sure know how to make me feel good don’t you and he kissed her,” and he picked her up.

  “Hey wait! I just thought of something.” Violet looked at him.

  “And what would that be?” Sam said as he laid her on the bed and started to kiss her. Violet started to giggle as he stared to caress her. Violet was playing trying to get away and Sam was trying to catch her.

  “That movie you made,” she said laughing as he started to tickle her.

  “Yes what about it,” he grinned as he was moving on top of her.

  “It started off with a mom and two kids. Was that a hint or something?” Violet got still.

  Sam stopped what he was doing and looked at her. “It could have been,” and grinned as he pulled the strap down over her shoulder.

  Violet tried to get away. “How many?” she questioned.

  “Never thought about it,” as he pulled her back.

  Violet started to laugh as he kissed the back of her neck. “Sam serious.”

  “Can we talk about this another time?” and he grinned and got on his knees.

  Violet started laughing at him he was so full of desire. She couldn’t hold him back anymore. “Catch me if you can,” she quickly said and went to move, but she didn’t have a chance.

  In the morning Sam made the appointment for Violet to come in and sign papers.

  Violet heard the staff talking. She told them it was her idea and it was for the best.

  They all saw that Violet had no ill feeling towards it so they got over it. Violet walked in and Sam was the one who was nervous and feeling guilty. She went up to him and hugged him. “It’s the right thing to do Sam.” And she kissed him.

  Everyone just looked at her. She was all smiles, but Violet had her own papers she wanted Sam to sign. They were explaining to Violet what she would get if things went bad between her and Sam. She looked up and said. “But I won’t need to be taken care of I have this,” and she pulled out her own papers.

  Sam just looked at her the lawyers looked over it. They tried not to laugh because Violet was so serious. Sam looked it over and smiled to himself and thought, “this was his Violet. How could he ever doubt her.” She wanted him to sign papers where he couldn’t take her old rusty car and the house Ms. Maddy left her. Violet was way better off from Sam’s end. But she really didn’t care. The papers were finally signed and Sam left out a breath of relief. He was still nervous and felt some guilt and Violet could sense it.

  She went up to him and whispered, “3?”

  He looked at her for a second then laughed “Does it bother you that much?” he questioned

  “Just curious just wondering how many laps I will have to swim to get back my girlish figure.” And she winked at him.

  Sam started laughing even harder and pulled her close. “We might have to get a bigger pool”

  Violets jaw dropped, “Sam!” and she swatted at him.

  “Just kidding Violet.” and he kissed her.

  Chapter 8

  Plans were being made for the wedding everyone was excited. Sam was getting hit on by all woman now more than ever. They were trying to get him to go out for, one last hoopla. But he was staying true to his Violet. Some were even coming up saying he was the father of their children. All kinds of things were going down. Violet was going out of her mind with all these rumors. Some women were even coming up to her and causing problems. Sometimes she couldn’t even leave the house. Sam would sometimes find her crying but he would cheer her up with a little romance. Violet would take romance over anything. One day when Sam got home from work Violet was furious and called things off. It seemed everyone else wanted to take over the wedding. And because Sam had millions they wanted to spend it.

  “Sam, Sam Violet called off the wedding!” the maid ran up to him.

  “She what?!” Sam was shocked. Only his Violet.

  “You better talk to her she is in the study,” the maid said following him.

  Sam saw people leaving and they didn’t look too happy.

  Sam got into the study and Violet was sitting down. She had her hands to her face crying.

  “Violet, what’s this I hear you called off the wedding?” Sam said as her walked up to her.

  Sam saw all kinds of books spread out in front of her.

  “I don’t know how you do it Sam,” she cried.

  “Do what Violet?” he grabbed her hands and knelt down in front her.

  “Just because you have lots of money people think you should spend it,” she started crying harder

  Sam smiled a little. “Is that what this is about?” he kissed her hand.

  Violet picked up a book. “See this Sam? They both look basically the same right.” Violet said looking at him.

  Sam looked. “Yes I don’t see any difference Violet,” he said.

  “There is one big difference this once cost about 20,000 more.” She looked at Sam.

  “And the problem is?” Sam said looking at her.

  “I don’t want this one I want that one,” she sniffled.

  “Well get that one.” Sam said.

  “Every time I pick something cheaper they tell me he has the money so spend it. I don’t want to spend it Sam. If I can’t get what I want then I don’t want to have a wedding. If I have to argue with every one about what I want then I don’t want a wedding,” she looked at him and started crying again.

  “Shhh, shhhh Violet let me take care of this okay? You don’t need to call off the wedding. We can do things the way you want.” He smiled and kissed her head.

  “How do you do it Sam?” she asked again.

  He smiled. “You get used to it and learn to say no Violet,” he said softly.

  “I don’t know if I can get used to it,” she looked at him and pouted.

  “Let me make a few calls okay.” Sam tried not to laugh because she was so upset.

  “Okay Sam,” she took a deep breath and wiped her tears.

  Violet was finally getting what she wanted and she was happy and that made Sam happy.

  When Sam first asks about how much a wedding would cost him. They teased him and gave him a ballpark figure. He was a little shocked himself but after the episode with Violet, he knew they would be way off and his last wedding did cost a fortune.

  Time was getting closer for the wedding everyone was making last minute changes. Violet and Sam both were getting nervous. Sam was in taking a shower when Violet saw the watch lying on the dresser. He only took it off at night, when he showered or went in the pool. She picked it up and smiled turned it over then teared. Sam came out and smiled

  “I should have this fixed for you Sam.” Violet looked at him.

  “Nothing is wrong with it,” he walked over to her.

  “It’s all scratched up.”

  “I like it that way Violet,” and he kissed her.

  “But why?”

  “It reminds me of what I went through to get you back,” he smiled.

  “But don’t people say things about it? I mean being all scratched up like this.”

  “Yes they do. They tell me to get a new one. I tell them no watch could ever replace the one that I have got.” he gazed at her.

  Violet smiled. “You could at least try and get some of those scratches out. I can take it to the jewelers for you.

  “Violet, I have worn this watch since the day I got it. I would be lost without.”

  “Well why don’t we go together?” She smiled at him. Violet was persistent so Sam finally agreed to go with her and get some of the scratches out.

  In the morning Sam told Violet he would meet her at the jewelers at noon. When Violet walked in they were all happy to see her.

  “Violet,” called the sales person. “Here to buy something.”

  Violet smiled and reached out her hand “No, no, just here to fix Sam’s watch when he gets here.” She said.

  They all gasps when they saw the ring on her finger. “Let’s see that ring. We heard he got engaged and we were so happy when we found out it was you.” They looked at her.

  Violet blushed and showed them her ring. “This must of cost him a fortune,” the sales person said,” as he looked at Violet.

  “I would be…” the clerk was cut off when they heard Sam clear his throat.

  Violet turned and saw Sam and smiled then she turned back. “You would be what?” she questioned. They all looked at Sam and the look on his face they knew better to say what the clerk was going to say. “The happiest girl around,” the clerk finished.

  Violet smiled. “I am, now can we see if we can get some scratches out of Sam’s watch?” Violet asked.

  Violet didn’t really know the value of jewelry and her ring did cost Sam a fortune. And if she did find out how much it really cost, Sam knew she would be afraid to wear it.

  “Let’s see that watch Sam,” said the clerk.

  Sam took off his watch and handed it to them. They looked it over. “How did these scratches happen. You loved this watch Sam.” Said the sales person.

  Violet and Sam looked at each other and laughed a little. “It got caught in some crossfire you could say.” Sam said.

  “Can it be fixed?” Violet asked.

  “We can try and get some of them out,” replied the clerk.

  “That’s all we want.” Violet smiled.

  Violet and Sam looked around while they worked on the watch. “See anything you like Violet?” Sam smiled.

  “See anything you like,” Violet said back.

  “I am looking at her,” and Sam grinned at Violet. Then Violets smile left her face.

  “What’s wrong Violet?”

  “I just realized Sam, I will never be able to get you anything anymore,” she looked down.

  “All I need is standing in front of me,” he lifted her chin and smiled at her.

  Violet smiled then they heard. “This is the best we can do” the clerk called.

  They walked over and looked at the watch then smiled. “Perfect,” Violet said.

  Sam put the watch back on and kissed Violet. “I will wear it forever,” he said gazing at her.

  Everyone was staring at them. “I am glad you liked it,” Violet replied.

  “I love it Violet. It was the best gift anyone has ever gotten me,” and he kissed her hand.

  They turned and walked out the door.

  “If she knew how much that ring of hers cost, she defiantly would be scared to wear it” said the clerk

  The sales person laughed “That’s why she doesn’t know. He must love her, an awful lot. Never have I seen him spend that kind of money. Not even on his first wife’s set.” said the sales person. As he watched them get into the limo. Sam stood for a second before he got in. He looked back and nodded and the sales person nodded back.

  When Violet got back to the house the maid was all excited. “It’s here, it’s here” she said.

  “The dress?”

  “Yes Violet, the dress”

  “Where?” Violet was all excited

  “I had them put it in your room Violet”

  Violet was so excited she grabbed the maids hand and pulled her upstairs to her room. She stood there and looked at the box “Open it Violet”

  Violet looked at her “I am so nervous, what if something is wrong or it doesn’t fit? What if…” she went on and on.

  “Stop Violet, you will never know until you open it,” the maid smiled and calmed her.

  Violet went over and slowly opened the box she pulled out the dress and gasps. She was all smiles as she held it up to herself “It’s true it’s really true. I am going to be married to Sam.” She smiled.

  “Yes Violet you’re going to be married to Sam the one and only Sam,” the maid said smiling.

  Then Violets face changed to panic “Violet what’s wrong?” questioned the maid

  “I am going to be married to Sam, The Sam, rich Sam. The Sam everyone wants. The one and only Sam.” and she fell down on the bed.

  “Yes Violet, the same” the maid went up to her and sat next to her.

  “I don’t know if I can live up to being his wife,” she looked at the maid.

  The maid looked at her. “Violet he loves you very much. He doesn’t expect anything from you but that love. You make him happy. I have worked for Sam for over 12 years now. I know him like he was my own son. And since you came into his life 2 years ago I have seen him change so much. I have seen him cry over you Violet. I have never saw that before and don’t ever tell anyone. He would give anything for you.” She held Violets hand as she spoke to her.

  Violet smiled. “Your right, he is just Sam to me,” she looked at the maid.

  “Yes Violet, just Sam to you. Now let’s try on that dress,” the maid stood.

  The wedding day finally arrived Sam and Violet only saw each other a short while before. Sam was made to leave the house. Everyone was telling Sam how gorgeous everything was, and it must have cost him a fortune for this wedding. But he chuckled to himself. They didn’t know his Violet. Even on his wedding day, a few women made Sam a couple offers but Sam loved his Violet and turned them away. They didn’t give up to easy, so Sam had them removed. Sam was nervous that someone would try and ruin the wedding. He did have a few enemies and he did leave a lot of broken hearts behind. So he had to take certain precautions he didn’t want this day ruined. All the men were at the church and getting ready.

  “I never thought in my life I would see Violet marry you Sam” Todd said as he stood there fixing his tie.

  Sam chuckled. “I never thought I would remarry Todd.”

  Todd stopped and looked at Sam. “You know when she first met you she said you were pushy and was a little scared of you. And when she turned you down the look on your face was priceless.” Todd started to chuckle.

  Sam stopped. “Priceless,” he shook his head. “I wish I could have seen it.”

  “It was something Sam,” Todd laughed.

  Sam thought about that moment and what Violet said to him. “You know she said something to me that day now it makes since. I told her she didn’t know what she would be missing. She told me, I can’t miss something I don’t have.” Sam looked at himself in the mirror “I never had true love before and then when I lost her. I knew what true love was and I missed it and wanted it back.” he turned and looked at Todd. “Did I ever thank you for bringing Violet to that party?”

  Todd smiled. “No, Sam but I figured you did.”

  “Well Todd, I want to thank you for introducing me to Violet. She has changed my life. And to show you how much I appreciate it Todd, how about a promotion?” Sam looked at him.

  “A promotion Sam! Are you sure this just isn’t pre-wedding something talking?” Todd looked at him.

  “No pre-wedding anything Todd. You have been working hard and deserve it. I didn’t make it a point for you to be at all those events for nothing,” Sam smiled.

  “A promotion! Wow Sam, I don’t know what to say.” Todd was excited.

  “Say yes.” Sam looked at him.

  “Well of course yes,” Todd reached out his hand.

  “Then it’s settled.” Sam turned back around and started straightening his tie. It was time for the men to go to the altar.

  Violet and the women arrived at the church everything was crazy. When Violet went
to go in some woman grabbed her and ripped her dress. They had to get security. Sam heard about it and rushed to the doors. But by the time he got there, Violet was escorted to the back. Sam wanted to see Violet to make sure she was okay. But they wouldn’t let him back to see her. He was upset he knew something would happen. He thought he had things covered.

  “Let me just talk to her!” he was pushing his way back.

  “Okay, okay but just talk,” said the maid.

  The maid went in. “Violet, Sam is outside the door he wants to talk to you.”

  Violet was crying because her dress was ripped. Violet went to the door. “Yes Sam?” she sniffled.

  “Will you be okay Violet?”

  “Sam, she ripped my dress,” and she started to cry.

  Sam took a deep breath. “Violet.”

  “Yes Sam,” she said through her crying

  “Bring a pair of scissors with you,” he said softly.

  “Why Sam?”

  “Shirt tails,” he said and touched the door. He heard Violet giggle.

  “Okay Sam, I will. I love you Sam” Violet said softly.

  “I love you to Violet and I am waiting.”

  Sam went back and stood at the altar. “Is she okay?” Todd asked.

  “I hope so Todd.”

  They fixed Violets dress the best they could. Violet had a pair of scissors and carried them in her bouquet. The wedding march started and the ceremony began. Sam never saw the dress he didn’t even know what it looked like. But when Violet came around the corner he gasps and put his hand to his chest he never saw such beauty before. When he gasps everyone looked at him. He had the biggest smile and he never took his eyes off Violet.

  When Violet got to the altar Sam gazed at her. “Did you bring them?” he asked.

  “Yes Sam, I did,” she replied. No one was ready for what was going to happen and they were shocked.

  Sam turned Violet knelt down she handed her bouquet to the maid of honor. When they saw the scissors every one panicked at first. Then Violet cut off the shirt tails from Sam’s tux. Sam turned back around and held out his hand and helped Violet to her feet. Everyone was confused on what just happened.