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A Millionaires Price for Love Page 5
A Millionaires Price for Love Read online
Page 5
“Are you going to be okay?” asked the waitress.
“Fine just need a little rest,” he replied. Before anyone knew it he fell asleep against the wall.
Violet was working swing shifts when she got back she saw Sam’s car still there. When she walked in they took her to the kitchen and pointed. “What do you want us to do with him,” they looked at her.
“Why asked me you hired him,” and she went to walk away.
“Violet, come on can’t leave him like that,” the waitress said.
“Why not?” he did look funny all dirty like he was.
“Violet, please he can’t stay there,” said the waitress.
“Okay, okay,” she said. Violet went over and woke him up. “Sam, Sam wake up.”
Sam woke up, “Violet,” he smiled.
“Go home.” Violet said and went to leave
“Not until you forgive me.”
“Well you can’t stay here.”
“Well this is my job I can stay in my car…” he started.
“Your car is out back, close to work so no excuses for being late. Now leave.” she turned and left.
Violet was furious, “I can’t believe the gull of that man!”
“Well seems he wants forgiveness pretty bad.”
“It won’t come easy. He is going to have to work for that.” She glared at Sam he was still sitting there. She turned and went to work.
Sam got up and went to his car. He sat there for a few minutes. “Her world,” and he fell back to sleep.
Sam was awakened by someone tapping on his window.
“You’re going to be late. Don’t want to be late or you’re fired,” said a young boy.
Sam has never been fired. He still had his same clothes on no shower anything. He couldn’t believe he slept so long. He had a stiff neck and his body was sore.
Sam got into the restaurant and again the kitchen was full of dirty dishes. He didn’t get to wash up or anything before he went to work. Nothing to eat or drink, he defiantly wasn’t used to this. A few hours later he was beat and then Violet walked in. She sat down at the counter had something to drink she looked back and saw Sam he was a mess. She got up a few minutes later and started to work. Sam watched Violet she was graceful as she took out the orders and the way she handled the people was amazing. Sam got so caught up in watching her he forgot he was supposed to be working.
“Slacking off are we?” yelled the boss. “I don’t pay you for standing around now get to work!” he shouted at Sam. Sam was shocked no one talked to him like this. He went to say something but then had to control himself he had to remember, her world. A week went by and it was payday. Sam was excited to get his first check when he saw the pay he flipped. “How can people live on this?” he looked rubbed his eyes and looked again. He worked hard to get hardly anything. He stood there as he watched everyone work. The words came back to him that the sales person told him, “she picked up extra shifts and all her tips to pay for that watch,” he looked at his pay and he knew how much that watch cost and to pay it off in two months his heart broke as he watched Violet. He never really realized how hard she really worked. Another week went by and Sam got a motel room he stayed at. Now at least he was able to shower. He bought some clothes but not what he was used to. He had all kinds of credit cards and other moneys but he wanted to live in her world.
Little by little Violet seemed to come around. She started treating Sam like she did the others. Then one day she was in a bind and it was Sam that came to her rescue.
“Violet, we need you to pull a double,” said the boss.
“I can’t I have to take care of Ms. Maddy she has her therapy today.” Violet replied.
“Either, you pull the double or lose your job it’s that simple,” said the boss.
“That’s not fair I always work when needed. Can’t you find someone else?” Violet pleaded.
“No one else is available Violet,” said her boss.
“I can help with Ms. Maddy” Sam said.
Violet spun around. “You Sam?”
“Yes me, don’t you think I can?” he questioned,
Violet turned back around looked at her boss. “Give me an hour,” she said.
“An hour Violet,” he replied.
“Come with me Sam.”
Sam followed Violet. “Get in,” she said.
Sam laughed. “In that?”
Violet glared at him. “I only have an hour Sam, you going to help or what?” she stood there.
“Okay, okay.” Sam got in and the car was a death trap.
They got to the old lady’s house. “Violet you look so tired,” she said then looked up “Who is this?”
“This is Sam, he is going to help me out today. I have to pull a double he is going to help with your therapy.” she said.
“How can you trust him Violet? How do you know he won’t try and rob me?” she looked at Sam.
“I know him and he is a good man you don’t have to worry about him.” And Violet smiled at her.
“Violet?” she said.
“Yes Ms. Maddy,” Violet replied.
“Nothing, nothing,” she replied.
“Now listen Sam, this is what you have to do…” Violet went on and told him what he had to do with the therapy then she left.
When she drove out of site Ms. Maddy stood up and looked at Sam. She smiled, “Sam she seemed so happy and she smiled.”
“She has smiled before Ms. Maddy.” Sam said.
“No Sam, this smile she had a sparkle in her eye.” Ms. Maddy said.
“The spark?” Sam questioned.
“The spark Sam,” she replied with a smile.
Sam smiled then said, “Well let’s get this therapy done. And saying about me robbing you was good,” he chuckled.
She shook her head. “Sam, Sam I don’t need therapy. It was only something I made up so she would spend more time with me,” she grinned at him.
“So what else have you said?” Sam grinned back.
“Other been being old I am quite healthy, just a lonely old woman Sam.”
Sam and Ms. Maddy chatted for a long time. She was a very schemish old woman and Sam loved her. They talked a lot about Violet then they heard her pull in.
“Violet dear,” she said.
Sam looked at her she looked so tired. “Give me a few minutes Sam and I will take you back.” Violet said.
“No hurry Violet, Ms. Maddy is great company,” he smiled at the old woman.
Violet gave him a faint smile. She went into the living room when she didn’t come back right away Sam went to check on her. She fell asleep sitting in the chair. He stood there and looked at her.
“She works so hard Sam,” he heard Ms. Maddy say.
“Yes, she does,” he replied.
Sam took off her shoes and lifted her up. To feel her in his arms was a great feeling. He looked into her sleeping face and smiled.
“You still love her Sam?” asked the old woman.
He looked at her. “Yes, but I don’t think she will ever love me back,” he closed his eyes and kissed her forehead.
“All in good time Sam all in good time,” said the old woman.
He took her to her bedroom and laid her down he covered her up and stood over her for a few minutes. Then he left.
“I will call a cab.” Sam said to the old woman
The woman started to laugh. “You’re not home Sam, there are no cabs out here.”
“Yeah didn’t think about that,” he chuckled. They went back in the living room and chatted more and waited for Violet to wake up.
A couple months have passed and Violet was warming up to Sam again but still she had the cold stare at times. One day as they were all working a group of people walked in. They were shocked to see Sam dirty, wet and doing physical labor in a kitchen. Sam started actually enjoying his work but now it was over and time to go back. His world needed him.
“Sam, it’s time to come back you can’t put things o
ff forever,” one of his employees said.
Sam glanced over at Violet. “Yes I know.”
Violet looked at him she knew he had to go back. But she also knew he would stay if he could. Sam walked up to her. “Violet,” he said softly.
“I know Sam, go.” She looked at him.
“Only if…” he started.
She gave a faint smile. “I will be okay Sam. Go back to your world,” she said softly.
He picked up her hand and gave it a kiss. “I am so sorry Violet.” Sam looked at her
“I know Sam,” she smiled at him.
When she smiled at him the way she did. Sam felt such relief some how he felt better. He felt she forgave him.
“If you’re ever in the area Violet I would love to see you,” he looked at her.
“I will keep that in mind.” she replied.
“Violet, did you ever really love me?”
“Yes Sam, I did,” she smile then asked. “Did you ever really love me?”
“Yes Violet, I do. But just getting you to forgive me was hard enough. I know trying to get your love back will almost be impossible. Good bye Violet.” He lifted her hand and kissed it.
Sam turned to leave he walked out the door when he turned back he actually saw a tear in Violets eye. His heart felt heavy as he got into the limo and left.
When Violet got home Ms. Maddy could tell she was upset. “What’s wrong dear?” she asked.
“Sam went back today,” she tried to smile.
Ms. Maddy gasps, “Back where?” she questioned.
Violet explained things to her but Ms. Maddy already knew. “Do you still love him Violet?” she asked.
“Somewhere in my heart I probably do, otherwise I wouldn’t feel like this. Right?” she looked at the old woman.
The old woman smiled “Somewhere dear.” She knew Violet had a spark again. She knew it from the way she started caring for her. She was kinder, sweeter and she smiled more. She seemed to be a little happier. But Violet was still running herself ragged. Working a lot and still keeping up with the old woman.
One day there was a gift waiting for Violet and it was from Sam. Violet went to send it back but the old woman stopped her. “Violet let me tell you a story…” she said.
Violet listened to her. The old woman left out some parts but Violet realized now that Sam had a heart ache at one time and it was her that healed him. Even though it made her heart go cold she healed him. And now he is trying to heal hers. Violet smiled when she looked at the gift and sent Sam a thank you.
Sam was surprised when his gift didn’t get returned instead he got a thank you note and he smiled.
A couple more months passed and things seemed to get better for both Sam and Violet. They moved on with their lives. Then tragedy struck.
“Sam,” Todd said.
“Yes Todd,” he replied.
“I need to take a week off.” Todd said.
“For what Todd?”
Todd stood there. “My Aunt passed.”
“Sorry to hear that Todd, but you know company policy on that.” Sam looked at him.
“Sam, it was my Aunt Maddy,” he just stood there.
Sam looked up at him and said. “Violet.”
Todd shook his head, “Yes Sam.”
Sam looked at Todd funny, “Todd…” he started.
“It was us Sam it was all us.” He didn’t say anymore.
Sam knew Violet would be devastated and he wanted to go as well. But he didn’t know how Violet would react to his presence. But he and Maddy did become close.
Violet was all shaken up she was a mess. When she saw Todd arrive at first she was upset with him for hiding all this from her but that quickly passed. She ran up to him and he held her as they both cried.
“Sam is here Violet.” Todd took a deep breath trying to compose himself.
“Sam why?” she looked at him.
“You know why Violet,” Todd said.
Violet looked up and saw Sam standing in the doorway. She wiped her tears trying to compose herself. She took a deep breath and started walking his way. She took a few steps and covered her mouth as the tears started to fall. She took a few more steps and she put her arm around her stomach. Sam saw she was having a hard time she was trying so hard to be strong. She squeezed her eyes tight and she started to shake. Then she felt his arms around her he kissed her head and held her as she cried. Sam stayed and consoled Violet the whole time. It seemed as if the past was behind them now and they started a new relationship but only on a different level.
As Violet was packing up the house she ran across the letter. She read it and tears started to fall she really started to cry when she read. “Maddy for forty years I have been trying to get your forgiveness. For forty years I have loved you. But now my life is over but my love for you will never die.
Love Forever, Darren” with the letter she found a ring.
Violet sat and thought about Maddy she was so kind but yet she died a lonely old woman because she couldn’t find it in her heart to forgive. Violet didn’t want to be like that she made up her mind she would open her heart once again. And learn to love and take a chance.
Chapter 5
Violet moved on and so did Sam after that. Sam always had love for Violet but knew they could never be together. He learned a lot from Violet and changed his ways some.
And Violet became more cautious but she did open her heart once again. Todd would keep them informed on each other but neither wanted to see each other. It was still painful for them both. They both still loved each other and they cherished the time they had together.
One night Violet got a surprise at work. “Violet, you take those people. I hate people like that,” her co-worker said.
Violet looked then a smile crossed her face. “I would be glad to.”
The people seemed to be rude and obnoxious and were complaining how dirty the place was.
Violet went over, “Is there a problem?” she said.
“Can you clean this up,” the one lady asked.
“Sure, not a problem.” Violet grabbed a wet towel and wiped down the table.
“You missed a spot,” said the guy.
Violet turned and looked at him. She crossed her arms. “Well if you think you can do a better job than do it,” she said and held out the rag.
Everyone at the table gasps. “You’re not going to let her get away talking to you like that are you Sam?” Sam stood everyone started to chuckle.
He reached out, “I used to be pretty good at this,” he smiled at Violet. “It’s good to see you again Violet,” and kissed her hand.
“It’s good to see you to Sam.”
“Still at it I see.”
“Yes, still at it.” Everyone just sat and stared at them while they gazed at each other.
“Why don’t you guys get going. I will find my own way home.” Sam said not taking his eyes off Violet. “When do you get off?” Sam asked.
“A few minutes. But I can’t stay.” Violet replied she seemed a little nervous and Sam just looked at her.
“You don’t have a few minutes for an old friend?” Sam said just looking at her.
Violet smiled, “Sure.”
After Violet got off work they sat down and started to talk. Then the other waitress came up.
“He is here Violet,” she said nervously.
“I have to go Sam,” Violet quickly said and she got up.
Sam saw fear in her eyes.
“Violet, he is at the door,” she handed Violet her purse.
“Violet! Your late!” a voice shouted.
Sam saw a guy come in. “Sorry didn’t mean to make you wait.” Violet’s voice shook.
The guy grabbed Violets arm and Sam grabbed the guy.
“Who do you think you are?” the guy looked at Sam.
“A friend, now get your hands off her.” Sam’s look was deadly. Sam towered over the guy so he let Violet go.
“You will pay for this Violet when
you get home!” he shouted back at her as he walked out.
Sam looked down at Violet she had tears in her eyes. “Violet what happened?” he questioned
Violet looked up at Sam. “I opened my heart again Sam,” and she started to cry.
Sam set Violet down. He called his limo he told him where he was he wanted to be picked up immediately. It would take at least 30 minutes before it got there.
“Violet, I always knew you had a knight and shining armor,” the other waitress smiled.
Violet chuckled and looked at Sam.
“How did opening your heart cause this Violet?” Sam looked at her.
Violet looked away. “He wasn’t like that at first Sam,” she looked back.
“What happened Violet?”
“I told him I had feelings for him but I could never love him.” Violet looked down.
Sam lifted her chin. “Then what?”
“Violet!” the guy screamed he was standing outside yelling.
Violet jumped and so did the other waitress. “Get out of here before I call the police!” the other waitress said.
“I am taking you away from this Violet. I want you to come back with me. I don’t care if you love me anymore or not. I love you Violet and if I only get to see you. I will be happy. But knowing you in danger or getting hurt I can’t live with that.” Sam looked at her.
“Getting hurt?” The other waitress laughed.
“Shush,” Violet quickly said.
Sam looked at her, “What are you talking about.”
“The only thing that man did bruise is her face. He said it was the money maker.” The waitress looked at Sam.
“Violet?” Sam looked at her but Violet wouldn’t look at him.
Soon the limo pulled up. “Violet please,” Sam looked at her and stood.
“Go Violet.” said the waitress,
“No strings no games Violet, I promise.” Sam said he held out his hand.
Violet took his hand, he and the waitress let out a breath. They got into the limo Sam made a call to his home. “Violet is coming back. Get a room ready for her move her things into it. We will be there in about an hour.” And he hung up.
“My things?” Violet looked shocked.
“Yes Violet, everything you left” Sam choked.