A Millionaires Price for Love Read online

Page 6

  “You kept everything Sam?”

  Sam looked out the window “Yes Violet I did,” he cleared his throat.

  They sat quiet for a while. “You never finished telling me how this started.” Sam said.

  “I told him I couldn’t love him. He told me one day I would. He started to become more forceful when we…” she stopped and looked at Sam.

  He turned his head he didn’t want to think about it he cringed at the thought. But he knew what she was saying.

  “I understand Violet,” he said.

  “He tried to make me say it. But I couldn’t. More and more things got out of control. The next thing I know he is controlling me. I was scared of him, he was threatening me. But I never said I loved him. I couldn’t. There was only one man that I ever loved and he broke my heart.” Her voice faded as she gazed out the window. “I never thought it would happen twice in my life,” she softly said and she started to cry.

  Sam just sat there he didn’t know what to say to her.

  They got back to the house everyone was happy to see Violet. She went up to a few of the staff and hugged them. They had tears in their eyes. Seeing the reactions from the staff towards Violet made Sam smile they really did like her.

  “Let me take you to your room,” the maid said.

  Violet followed her. Violet was shocked. “He did keep everything,” she looked around.

  “Yes Violet, everything he hasn’t had a woman stay here since you left” the maid looked at her.

  Violets eyes opened wide. “You’re kidding!”

  “No Violet I am not. He even put this back together,” the maid handed her the picture.

  Violet sat on the bed and started to cry. “How did he get this?” she pointed at her photo.

  “I don’t know how he got it,” replied the maid.

  Violet looked around the room. “So beautiful,” she sniffled.

  “He does love you Violet. Now why don’t you get settled in,” the maid smiled.

  “Okay.” Violet gave her a hug.

  The maid left and Violet started getting settled in. The maid walked downstairs

  “How is she doing?” Sam asked.

  “I think she will be okay.” She had a funny look on her face

  “What’s the look for,” Sam asked.

  “None of my business sir,” said the maid but Sam knew she wanted to ask something.

  “What is it?” Sam just looked at her.

  “Violet is different I saw a few bruises on her,” the maid looked at him.

  Sam looked away, “Yes that’s why I brought her back here,” he said.

  “I hope she will recover,” said the maid. There was a pause of silence.

  “Is she settling in?” Sam asked.

  “Yes seems to be.”

  “Would you tell her I would like to speak to her when she is settled.”

  “Will do sir, in the study?”

  “Yes.” Sam smiled and left to get cleaned up.

  A while later Sam heard a knock on the door. It was Violet

  “Come in.”

  “You wanted to speak with me Sam.”

  “Yes please sit,” he smiled at her. The maid put her ear to the door.

  Sam looked at her, she was beautiful. He could tell she was hiding her bruises from him.

  “What would you like to speak to me about Sam?” Violet questioned.

  “Violet, I want you to feel comfortable here. Come and go as you please. No games no strings,” Sam looked at her.

  “Are you sure this is what you want Sam?”

  “Violet, after seeing what I saw tonight, I can’t imagine what you have gone through. Most of it’s my fault.” He paused took a breath “I know you can never love me again. But at least I can take care of you. Please Violet, I need this I need to know you’re okay, your safe and somewhat happy” He gazed at her.

  “Okay Sam, no strings and no games,” she went to stand.

  “Everything you need, will be provided for you,” he looked at her

  “Like a high priced hooker?”

  The maid gasps and covered her mouth real quick.

  Sam dropped his head. “Violet please.”

  “Sorry Sam, that was uncalled for. But it still hurts.”

  Sam shook his head. “Understandable Violet.”

  The maid shook her head now she knew why Violet was so hurt, crushed and left everything. Now she knew why Sam felt so guilty.

  Violet was settling in, Sam was hardly ever around. The first couple weeks were kind of tense. But every day Sam got home from work the first thing he would ask was, “Where is Violet?” She would be either swimming or helping the staff somewhere. Sam hardly saw her. But when she was swimming, he would stand and watch through the window for a while. He couldn’t stop staring at her. She was more beautiful then he remembered.

  A couple more weeks passed and Violet was in the kitchen with the staff she asked the maid. “Doesn’t he usually have company?”

  The maid looked at her. “He used to but not anymore. He hasn’t had anyone here since you left Violet I told you the truth.”

  “You mean to tell me he even dines alone?” she questioned.

  “All the time,” the maid looked at her.

  “Huh,” Violet just sat there.

  “Why don’t you dine with him Violet? I am sure he would like that.” The maid smiled at her.

  “I don’t know,” she looked at the floor.

  “Violet its only dinner,” the maid smiled.

  “Okay, okay tomorrow.” Violet replied.

  Violet was nervous about dining with Sam, she has somewhat forgiven him and she knew he was suffering. He was true to his word, no strings. But still she couldn’t get over him dining alone all the time. She did feel bad for him.

  The following night there were two place settings at the table. Sam walked in ready for dinner.

  “I am having company?” he looked at the maid.

  “Yes you are,” he heard Violets voice, he turned and looked and smiled.

  They sat down to eat. “How was your day?” Violet looked at him.

  “A nightmare.” Sam shook his head.

  Violets brought up her leg and rest it against the table and started picking at her food. Sam just looked at her.

  “You want class or company?” she gave him a look and put out her hands shrugging her shoulders.

  Sam started to laugh. “Company,” and they started chatting. The staff was watching and they were all smiles. The evening went well. Sam and Violet spent most of it together.

  When Sam went to bed he remembered the things she done. He remembered her saying those words before. He started chuckling to himself, oh how he missed her. But seeing Violet everyday was hard on him. He wanted to take her in is arms and love her. He would stare at her and she would catch him, he would quickly look away.

  Violet knew Sam had needs. And she knew being there didn’t help. She knew when he was late he was taking care of those needs. She could smell the perfume on him. But she knew they had no strings come and go as you please.

  Violet started having feelings for Sam again. She could feel the urges surfacing. But still she was untrusting. The maid could sense this the way Violet looked at Sam now. The maid decided to show Violet the same thing she showed Sam. She took Violet to the closet and showed her the pictures. Violet was shocked of all the women. But when she looked at them he had only lust in his face for them. But when he looked at her it was something else.

  “Do you know what he told me when he looked at this Violet?” asked the maid.


  “He said, it looks like I am in love,” the maid looked at Violet.

  “He does,” replied Violet.

  “That is why you truly thought he loved you, because he really did Violet. He just didn’t know it,” the maid looked at her.

  Violet looked at the photos and smiled. “He did didn’t he.”

  “He was a hurt man to at one time Violet,
” the maid said.

  “Yes I know,” Violet sighed.

  “I think he has paid his price. It’s up to you now to make the first move,” her voice was soft.

  Violet looked at her. “How can I be sure? How can I ever be sure?”

  “There are never guarantees and how can he be sure? How can he ever be sure? But Violet, look, look at him.” The maid replied.

  Violet thought long and hard about what the maid said. Sam hasn’t tried anything. He has been true to his word. She knows how hard it has been for him. Knowing she is there. She can tell by the way he looks at her he has desires and feeling for her. Violet had a lot of soul searching to do.

  One night at dinner as they were talking Sam seemed a little tense. He was doing some work he normally doesn’t do at dinner.

  “You don’t seem to have much fun anymore Sam.” She looked at him.

  He looked. “I had my fun. That part of my life is over. Now its work,” he lifted his hands to the brief case and papers that lay around him.

  “When is the last time you sailed Sam?”

  Sam thought. “A long time,” he smiled as he remembered

  “Why not go out sailing and relax. It used to relax you,” Violet said.

  Sam sat there and thought about it as he looked at Violet. “No Violet, the boat will only bring back memories,” he gazed at her. She had a rush of heat go through her body when he did. The last time they were on that boat was the first time they made love on that boat. And Violet was so scared they were going to tip over she said she would never do it again

  Sam’s watch started beeping Violet looked. He still wore her watch even though it was scratched from her throwing it. “I have a meeting Violet,” he smiled got up gathered all his work. He excused himself and left.

  Violet thought about what he said and memories, she thought about the boat. Then closed her eyes and smiled. She knows now why he looked at her like he did.

  It was getting harder and harder for Sam he had to get away. He was tightening up some loose ends before he went on a weekend trip with some friends. The reservations were already made everyone was to meet at the airport and they were to fly out for a small weekend party. Sam needed to tell Violet he was leaving for the weekend so she knew.

  The day he was to leave he got home. “Where is Violet?” he asked.

  “In the pool,” replied the maid.

  Sam went upstairs and changed for his trip. His luggage was brought down.

  “Are you going to tell her you’re leaving Sir?” asked the maid.

  “I am doing it right now. Is she still in the pool?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Have them take my things to the car. I will be there in a minute”

  “Right away sir.”

  Sam walked out to the pool area Violet was swimming “Violet,” he called.


  “I need to speak to you.”

  “Be right there.”

  Violet went to get out and she grabbed her bottoms and Sam started to laugh “Remember what happened last time you wore that.”

  Violet looked at him then started to chuckle. “I remember.”

  She got out and started walking towards him. Sam quickly had to look away. He started filling with desire. Violet stood in front of him. He was looking at the ground he could see her shadow and he watched as the water dripped on the ground.

  “I will be gone for the weekend.”

  “Business or pleasure?”

  Sam didn’t answer her so she knew what it was. What she done next shocked Sam.

  She stepped up and put her arms around him. She pushed her body close to him and whispered in his ear . “Catch me if you can,” she let go and slowly walked by him.

  His clothes are wet from where her body touched him. Her body felt so good next to his he was full of desire now. He slowly turned his head to look at her. She looked back as she was walking away and grinned. Sam knew exactly what she was going to do. She took off running and he went chasing her. She ran into his room and he was right behind her. He closed the door not taking his eyes off her.

  “Are you sure this is what you want Violet,” he asked as he walked slowly up to her.

  Violet looked at him smiled and said. “I love you Sam.”

  Sam rushed to her and pulled her to him and kissed her with such passion.

  “I have waited so long to hear those words again,” he whispered.

  “Oh Sam,” she said breathless as he picked her up and carried to the bed. The passion and loved they shared was remarkable. He longed to touch, kiss, hold and feel her again. He was overwhelmed with the feelings he had. And as for Violet she never thought she could feel this way again. The way Sam loved her, the ice around her heart was totally melted away. She only carried a burning desire. Their passion was interrupted by the phone ringing. Sam reached up and knocked it off the nightstand and continued to love his lovely Violet. They spent most of the afternoon in Sam’s room. They did get up to get a bite to eat. Sam got up and put on a pair of pajama bottoms and Violet wore the top. As they were walking down the steps there was someone at the door. The maid seemed to be arguing with them. Sam went to see what the commotion was about Violet stood behind the door. It was the people that were supposed to go on the trip with him.

  “Sam where and the hell were you? We waited for hours we missed the flight!” the guy was very upset.

  Sam just smiled. “Take a later flight I made different plans. I am staying home this weekend.”

  “Home? What the hell you staying home for?” the guy shouted.

  Sam pulled Violet from around the door kissed her and closed the door. He could hear the guy shouting. He picked Violet up and carried her back upstairs. All the staff had their eyes on them and everyone was so happy. In the morning they came back down Sam in the pajama bottoms Violet in the top.

  Two place settings were set for them. Everyone smiled as they passed. Violet was blushing and glowing Sam had the biggest smile on his face. They went to sit and eat but Sam pulled Violet to his lap. “I love you so much Violet,” he said as he gazed at her.

  Violet picked up a piece of fruit and feed it to him. “And I love you Sam.” Then she kissed him. They were like two teenagers in love for the first time.

  Chapter 6

  Violet and Sam couldn’t keep their hands off each other for the next few days. They spent more time in his room then anywhere.

  As they were lying there one night Violet asked, “Sam will you take me sailing again?”

  Sam pulled her close and hugged her. “Anything for you Violet,” Sam thought it odd she wanted to go sailing. Did she have something else in store for him? What was she after? Sam had to stop thinking this way. She didn’t have anything up her sleeve. She wasn’t going to try and do anything. He knew she loved to sail but why ask and why now? Sam had to learn to trust. Why was he nervous again? After everything that has happened he should know better. Maybe Violet was right after all. Maybe those thoughts will always overcome his love and he will never be able to truly love a woman because of them.

  Violet knew Sam would be suspicious but she really did want to go sailing.

  Sam got everything ready for the sailing day and he saw the excitement on her face. Soon his doubts and fears were gone. Just to see her looking like that again brought a smile to his face. They got out on the boat and took off. Violet looked beautiful as she tried to sail. But she had forgotten a lot and Sam just laughed at her. He was trying to re-teach her things and the way he was, made Violet fill with desire. Watching him as he controlled the boat she just smiled.

  “What’s the smile for Violet?” Sam looked at her.

  “Nothing Sam,” she blushed.

  Sam knew that look. He set down the sails and walked over to her. “You have something on you mind?” he pulled her close.

  “No Sam, nothings on my mind,” she pushed him away.

  Sam remembers how scared she was last time, afraid they were going to t
ip over the boat.

  He pulled her close again and started to kiss her. “Sam please not out here.”

  Sam started to laugh. “Violet we won’t tip over the boat.”

  It took a lot of charm and seducing. He finally got his way.

  “Oh Sam…” Violet said breathless. She finally gave in just like she done last time.

  They lay there and he held her. “See Violet the boat is still adrift. We didn’t tip it over.” and he kissed her.

  Violet smiled and let out a breath. She looked at him. “It sure was rocking Sam. I could almost feel the water coming over the side.”

  Sam laughed again. “It may have been rocking Violet, but that wasn’t water.” And he wiped his brow.

  Violet looked at him and he was ringing wet with sweat as was she. She giggled reached up for him. “How about a swim?”

  “Out here Violet?” Sam looked at her.

  Violet looked around. “Just a dip.”

  She stood up and jumped in and Sam followed. They didn’t stay in too long and they got back out. Soon it was getting late and they headed back. Sam realized all she wanted to do was go sailing. He has to learn to trust her.

  Sam felt so relaxed more relaxed then he has in a long time and it was all because of Violet. She was warm loving and so out going. She made him laugh. Even though she upset him at times, she always had a way of making him forget he was mad at her. She was beautiful and intelligent everything he ever wanted in a woman. Soon other thoughts started entering his mind.

  It was getting close to Violets birthday. Sam and Violet weren’t together before on her birthday. She wanted to see just how much he really did find out about her, so she didn’t tell him. She acted no different as it was getting closer. She was playful and loving like she always was. Her birthday came and went and Sam didn’t even know. Violet was really disappointed and upset but she didn’t lead on otherwise. Soon it was getting close to Sam’s birthday and Violet was going crazy. She had no clue what to get him. She had no money of her own to get him anything. So she decided to pick up a small job somewhere. She wanted to earn some money to buy him something. It was going to be a secret and didn’t want to tell Sam. She knew he would get upset.