A Millionaires Price for Love Read online

Page 7

  One day Sam came home from work early and Violet was gone. “Where is Violet?” he asked.

  “Out shopping sir,” replied the maid.

  Sam went upstairs and changed. He looked out the window and saw Violet coming home. He didn’t see any packages. He saw the maid talking to her. She glanced at the window shook her head. The maid handed her things to make it look like she was shopping. Sam started getting suspicious.

  Violet walked in with a smile on her face as Sam came down the steps. “Have a good time shopping?”

  “Wonderful time would you like to see what I got?”

  Sam thought why she would ask if she really wasn’t shopping? Does she think he will say no?

  “Yes Violet, I would,” he said. He thought Violet would get all nervous but she didn’t.

  She opened her bags and started saying what she got and Sam just looked at her puzzling. They must have had this planned just in case. What was going on? Sam head was spinning all kinds of things were running through it. Violet acted as if nothing was going on and so did everyone else. Was there a conspiracy? Was his staff involved? After all they did love Violet.

  That night after Violet fallen asleep, Sam got up and started searching her room. What he came across shocked him then he heard his maids voice.

  “Snooping threw her things? You still can’t trust her can you?” she snipped at him.

  Sam turned and looked at her he had a hand full of money. Sam looked angry. “What are you up to,” he growled in a low voice.

  The maid glared at him. “What’s in a few days Sam?”

  Sam thought about it then he looked at the maid

  “She didn’t forget yours like you did hers. She picked up a little job to earn some extra money to get you something.” The maid stood glaring at him.

  Sam just had a big shock when she said that. He just stood there. He cleared his throat “When, when was hers?” he looked at the maid.

  “Why should you care Sam? Why should you care.” And she turned around and left.

  Sam felt so guilty now. He put the money back turned off the light and went downstairs. He had a lot of thinking to do. Why did he always think Violet was up to something?

  Violet woke up a short while later and noticed Sam was gone. She got up and went looking for him. He was in the study just sitting there staring.

  “Sam, it’s late what are you doing up?” she asked and walked over to him. When she looked at him he had a disturbing look on his face.

  He reached for her and pulled her on his lap. “Just a lot on my mind couldn’t sleep that’s all,” and he kissed her.

  Violet smiled at him so lovingly and said. “I can help with that,” and she kissed him passionately.

  But Sam was guilt ridden. “Not tonight Violet,”

  She looked at him playfully “I can change your mind,” and she reached down to stroke him.

  Sam grabbed her hand and said. “I said not tonight!” he got a little loud.

  This hurt Violet and hurt her bad. Sam saw it by the look on her face. She got up and ran upstairs.

  Damn it!

  “Violet!” Sam called after her. But she kept going. Sam got up and followed her but she wasn’t in his bed. She was in her own. He heard her crying. “Violet I am sorry come back to bed,” Sam said in a soft voice.

  “I won’t sleep with a man who doesn’t want me,” she whimpered.

  “Violet, please I said I am sorry just have a lot on my mind.” Sam said apologetically.

  “Well when you get things off your mind maybe I will come back. But not until then Sam please leave.” Violet cried softly.

  Sam stood there he knew there was no use of arguing with her. He turned and left.

  In the morning Violet didn’t met him for breakfast. “Where is Violet?” he asked.

  “In her room sir,” replied the maid she glared at Sam.

  Sam felt guilty all day, he missed her birthday, then thought the worst and then went through her things. He then yelled at her, when she was only trying to love him to make him feel better. How could he make it up to her?

  When he got home he asked. “Where is Violet?” the maid didn’t reply right away and Sam looked at her. He started getting nervous. Did she leave him?

  “I asked you where is Violet.” Sam repeated in a much sterner voice.

  The maid started to tear a bit and Sam thought for sure she left him. The maid dropped her head and said. “She went sailing sir.”

  “Sailing!” Sam shouted. “She can’t sail by herself she doesn’t know how to sail by herself!”

  “We tried to stop her sir but we couldn’t,” the maid looked at him.

  “I have to stop her. She could get lost anything could happen to her out there. Get a hold of Todd the coast guard.” Sam went running up the steps he started to freak out.

  Sam ran into his room and he saw a gift on his bed. “Happy Birthday, Love Violet.” the note said. Sam hung his head in shame. Just like before and she was gone.

  Panic set in and they started the search for Violet. They searched for hours before they spotted the boat. Sam felt relieved but yet was angry at her for doing such a foolish thing. They boarded the boat but Violet was nowhere.

  “Sam, she isn’t on the boat we searched everywhere.” Said the guard.

  Sam heart started to sink as he looked over the waters. They searched and dragged the bottom for days but Violet was never found.

  Sam now sits and stares at the gift and he tears. Violet got him a sail boat with the figure of a man holding a woman in his arms as they stood sailing. The house is quiet once again. The staff is saddened and walks around with tears in their eyes. Everyone loved and misses Violet and now she is gone.

  Sam will never forgive himself for what he done. She only wanted to love him she wanted to prove she loved him. But yet again those thoughts in his mind stopped him from truly loving and trusting her. That night played over in his mind. How she looked so loving at him trying to cheer him up. And then he snapped at her and hurt her. He couldn’t bear to think about it. It was driving him crazy. No money in the world could take away the pain he was feeling. He now realized his words were untrue, pay will cover the hurt, no pay will ever cover this hurt. It has come back to haunt him and it will for the rest of his life.

  Sometimes his imagination would play tricks on him and he could hear Violets laugh. He would call out her name and look for her. The staff thought he was losing his mind.

  He often went to her room and sat and just stared. He would close his eyes and take a deep breath. He could smell her fragrance and see her smile. Then he would tear “Violet, Violet I love you so. Why did I have to be so untrusting,” he would put his hands to his face.

  The maid would walk by and tear. She knew the guilt he carried also the love he had.

  But time was going by and Sam had to snap out of it. He had to continue on with his life. It’s been 2 months since Violet’s been gone. But everyday Sam checked in with the coast guard if there ever was a body washed up. Sam took a deep breath. He wanted to know if it was Violet but it never was. She loved the water and loved to swim. She was a strong swimmer she was fit and tone. Then he started to think. When they boarded the boat all the sails where down and everything was tied. She must have been just floating. Where they found the boat was close enough to shore. She could have made that swim with no problems. Even if it drifted in Violet still was a strong swimmer. Things then didn’t start to make sense to Sam, things didn’t add up. They found her purse and some of her other things on the boat. So she was on it but what really happened to her? Sam started to think maybe she really didn’t drown. He has never been back on the boat since that day. So he decided to take a look around.

  Sam got chilled when he stepped on the boat. “Violet what happened to you?” he said out loud. He slowly started looking around. He kept his boat on tip top shape. He knew every part, every scratch, and every detail of his boat. Then he saw something out of place. He knew righ
t then something else happened to Violet. He stood up and looked around again. He quickly called the police there was foul play.

  The police found small traces of blood, scratch marks on the boat. The blood wasn’t Sam’s and it wasn’t Violets. But still the question remains is she alive? Was she murdered? Who did this and why so many unanswered questions. But now at least Sam had hope, hope that somewhere Violet could be alive. But yet he feared what was happening to her. The thoughts of her being misused and abused chilled him. But that also started him thinking of her old boyfriend that he took her from. The police started questioning people around the docks, but it was so long ago people didn’t remember. The trail has gone cold. But Sam knew where to start. He went back to where he saw Violet again. Sam had a lot of clout and a lot of money. He pulled out all resources. He called in all favors and even more. He wasn’t going to rest until he found out what happened to his Violet. One night Sam woke up suddenly in a sweat he heard Violet screaming for help. She looked so cold and scared. He knew she was alive but where?

  The police finally found the man Violet was with before Sam. He had scares across his face now made from fingernails. When Sam saw them he knew they were made from Violet. They tested his blood and it matched the blood from the boat. They arrested him and interrogated him but he wouldn’t tell them anything. They thought they were getting close. But he was a crazy man. He made them think she was dead. Other times he made them think she was alive. Either way Sam wanted to find her. But they knew if she was alive somewhere, she couldn’t survive for long if he stashed her somewhere. No matter how they tried to bargain with him he wouldn’t tell them anything. He would laugh at them and tell them he told her she would pay. Those words ran deep in Sam veins make her pay, Violet always ended up paying the price for something. His Violet always got stuck paying the biggest price out of them all. Sam thought about his dream Violet screaming for help cold and scared. Sam was getting furious the guy wouldn’t speak. Then they knew she was alive when he said

  “No one can hear her screaming in that cold dark place.”

  It went with Sam’s dream. He told the investigators about his dream. They told Sam to think and think hard. Was there anything else he remembered of his dream that could help them. But Sam woke up so suddenly he didn’t remember at first. He told the investigators the man said she would pay when she got home. Maybe there was something there they missed. They went back to the man’s home but this time Sam insisted on going. Maybe something might trigger his thoughts his memory the dream. Sam was disgusted when he walked in. He couldn’t believe Violet would live in these conditions under her free will. He knew how picky she was about certain things.

  “I remember something,” and Sam stopped. They all looked at him.

  “What Sam what do you remember.” An investigator asked.

  “She was hitting up screaming,” he looked at them.

  At that moment they started searching the floor. They found a cellar door.

  Sam went to rush down and the police stopped him. “Stay here Sam.”

  They went down the cellar they didn’t see anything. “Is there anything down there?” Sam shouted.

  “No Sam, we don’t see anything. Wait hold on there is another door.”

  Sam was getting impatient then he heard. “On my God.”

  “What, what is it!?” Sam shouted. Sam heard people walking back. He heard them on the radio calling for coroners. Sam’s heart just sunk. Then he saw them bringing up his Violet.

  “She needs medical attention Sam,” said the police.

  Sam rushed up to Violet put his arms around her and held her as they waited for the ambulance. “I heard you call for a coroners.” Sam said he looked at the officers.

  “There is more than her down there,” the officer replied.

  Sam held his Violet but she was non responsive to him or anyone else.

  It took a few days before Violet was released and sent home. Sam didn’t leave her side.

  Violet changed once again. When she got back everyone was thrilled to see her. The maid ran up to hug her, but Violet just stood there with sadness in her eyes.

  The maid glanced at Sam but Sam just looked at the floor. They took Violet up to her room. Violet hasn’t spoken a word to anyone yet. She would do things for herself but she wouldn’t look at anyone. It was heartbreaking to see her like this. Sam said he rather see her as the Ice Queen instead of like this. She wouldn’t swim or sit by the pool. She wouldn’t help the staff. She stayed in her room most of the time. Sam would stand by her door and listen to her cry it was so heart breaking for him. He wanted to know what happened that day. She hasn’t told the police yet. When they tried to find out she would just sit there and not speak.

  One day the police showed up and told Sam she had to tell them. They couldn’t put if off any longer. Sam knew it had to be done. They all sat in the study and waited while Sam went and got Violet. Sam set Violet down and kneeled in front of her. He took her hands in his and looked at her.

  “Violet please look at me,” he said in a soft voice.

  Violet raised her eyes and looked at him. It crushed Sam when she did. He saw hurt sadness fear.

  “You have to tell them what happened. Everything will be okay Violet. You’re safe now.” Sam said looking at her.

  Tears started to fill her eyes and she nodded her head. Sam gave a faint smile.

  When Violet spoke her voice was low and shaky they really had to listen.

  “You hurt my feelings Sam and I was upset with you,” she said to him, sniffling.

  “Yes Violet, I know and I am so sorry.” Sam kissed her hand.

  “I wanted to get over being upset… and…and,” she took a deep breath, “take the boat out. But when I got there I got scared and changed my mind,” she stopped and looked at the floor tears running down her face.

  “Violet look at me,” Sam took his hand and put it on the side of her face to wipe the tears away.

  “I turned and he was there. He forced me on the boat.” She closed her eyes and started to cry and shake. Sam pulled her close and held her for a while.

  “We got out so far... I…I… was going to jump but he grabbed my hair.” Her eyes got distant as she remembered. “We struggled he pulled me over the boat. The next thing I remember is waking up in that place.” Violet just sat there staring.

  “There was others there besides you Violet,” said an officer.

  “Yes, when my eyes adjusted I saw. I panicked and started screaming.” Violet turned white as a ghost and started to shake.

  “Is there anything else you can tell us Violet?” asked the officer.

  “I didn’t know he was like that. All them poor woman I thought I was next.” She started crying and shaking harder.

  “Enough, enough!” Sam said and held her.

  “We need more Sam.” The officer said.

  “All I saw was remains. He slid in water food now and again. He kept telling me, I told you, you would pay. I don’t know how long I was there. I gave up hope,” and she looked at Sam. “I thought everyone would think I was dead,” her voice faded and tears just fell.

  The room got quiet Violet really couldn’t tell them much. She really didn’t know.

  That night as Violet slept, the nightmare she went through came upon her. “Let go of me, Let go of me!” Violet screamed. She was all hot and sweaty, from struggling with her assailant. Her clothes were torn and dirty.

  His eerie laugh chilled her to the bone. “I told you, you would pay!”

  “Why, why are you doing this!” she struggled trying to get free.

  “”You should have said you loved me Violet. Now you will pay just like the rest!” he growled. “Lights out!”

  Violet felt a pain a crossed her face and everything went dark. She awoke in a cold, dark, damp place. She was shivering. She didn’t know where she was. She felt her face and it was swollen. The smell was horrible and she almost threw up. She tried to adjust her eyes to the dar
k. When they finally adjusted she let out a horrifying scream. She saw a door and started beating on it. “Let me out. Let me out!” she screamed. But her screams went unheard…….”

  “Violet, Violet.” She heard her name being called. She was swinging her arms in the air as if she was trying to beat something. She was shaking and very pale. Her bed was soaked with sweat. She was breathing so rapidly Sam thought she was going to hyperventilate.

  “Violet!” Sam called louder as he was trying to hold her. Her screams woke up the whole house hold and they all went running to her room.

  “Sam, Sam!” the maid shouted and ran into the room. She saw Sam trying to wake Violet.

  “She is having a nightmare.” Sam called out. “I know she has been sleeping restless. But today talking about what happened must have caused this.”

  The maid looked at Violet the way she was fighting and looked sent her to tears. “We got to wake her Sam. Violet, Violet,” the maid kept calling as Sam was holding her. Slowly Violet stopped screaming. She opened hers eyes and she looked terrified. She looked around the room and saw everyone staring at her. She focused on Sam, he was holding her arms.

  “You’re okay Violet, you’re okay.” He softly said.

  Violet’s eyes filled with tears. “Please don’t leave me.” She cried out.

  “I am not going anywhere.” And he pulled her close and held her. She was shaking so bad and so pale. Sam heart shattered. He swore the guy would pay for what he did to his Violet. Anyone would pay for hurting, his Violet. Violet was shivering so bad her muscle started to twitch. She tried to speak but now words were coming out. Sam picked her up and started towards his room. He looked back at the maid he had fear in his eyes. The maid nodded her head. “I will take care of this Sam.” And he turned and left the room.

  Sam held Violet all night. She was whimpering and crying. He kept soothing her and telling her she was safe. When she relaxed he would nod off to sleep. When morning came Violet jumped when she woke. And that woke Sam. “You’re okay Violet.” And he kissed her head. Her eyes were wild as she looked around the room. She looked up at Sam for answers. “You had a nightmare last night.” He looked down at her.